Inside the artist’s studio: Anne Hardy


Matilda Battersby
Tuesday 28 February 2012 17:53 GMT

British artist Anne Hardy photographs large-scale interior spaces which she carefully constructs over several months. Using complex camera techniques, reflections and painstaking positioning of objects, she conjures still life images that look as if a person has just stepped out of them and paint vivid portraits of that imaginary occupant.

Born in 1970, Hardy graduated from the MA photography course at Royal College of Art in 2000. Last year she was artist-in-residence at the Camden Arts Centre and her work has previously been exhibited at the Victoria and Albert Museum, the Venice Biennale and the Bellwether Gallery in New York. She is represented by Maureen Paley, London and works from a large studio in Bethnal Green.

Hardy gave exclusive access to her studio for a video interview (above).

Anne Hardy contributed one of 44 artworks being auctioned tomorrow at the Contemporary Art Society’s annual fundraising gala, for more information visit

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