Snow White: Disney to make live action movie about princess' sister Rose Red

It will serve as a "companion piece" to the 1937 original

Jacob Stolworthy
Friday 01 April 2016 09:28 BST
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Disney is looking to branch out from its property by making a live-action project focused on Rose Red, the sister of fairytale character Snow White.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the script was written by Justin Merz (The Boxcar Children) before Evan Daugherty came on board to rework the piece into a "companion piece" to the house of mouse's 1937 classic Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

Daugherty is the scriptwriter behind revisionist tale Snow White and the Hunstman, the follow-up of which - The Huntsman: Winter War - is being released 22 April.

Rose Red is a character primarily known for appearing in Grimms' fairytales. In the upcoming film, she will be transposed into Disney's version of the tale after Snow White takes a bite from the poison apple; it is down to her to undertake a dangerous quest with the seven dwarves in order to find a way to revive her sister.

This isn't the only spin-off film Disney producers have greenlit; Aladdin prequel Genies is in development as is Prince Charming.

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