Newton Faulkner busks for Centrepoint


Nicola Irwin
Wednesday 18 July 2012 16:35 BST
(Getty Images)

Album chart-topper Newton Faulkner took his music to the streets as he busked to raise awareness of youth homelessness.

The singer-songwriter performed songs from his number one album Write It On Your Skin in support of homelessness charity Centrepoint at The Fulcrum, Broadgate, near Liverpool Street Station today during the morning rush hour.

His actions come as figures show that the number of rough sleepers in London under the age of 25 has doubled in a year. There were 638 verified rough sleepers in 2011/12 compared with 247 in 2010/11.

Faulkner said: "I sleep in a lot of very strange places, vans, trains, venue floors, but this is by choice, for a lot of people that is not the case which is why I'm busking for Centrepoint. Thousands of young people sleep rough every day because they have no other option, many of them not much younger than me. It makes you think.

"By annoying people on their way to work, I hope to raise awareness for Centrepoint and get people either joining our event or lending their talents as mentors."

He was joined by musician Pandora Minott, 19, who had previously been supported by Centrepoint. She stayed at the charity's hostel in Lewisham for two years after her relationship with her family broke down, but is now living in her own home in south London and hopes to attend Goldsmiths College.

She said: "I didn't want to come to Centrepoint initially. As a person I'm all about doing things for myself. But Centrepoint do great things for young people and I've seen it.

"Some young people I met in my hostel had slept rough for up to six months. One had had to leave home at 14. I myself have had some experience of this along the way too. We're asking people to help make sure there's a place for young people to go where they can take control of their future."

Centrepoint offers vulnerable young people not only a safe place to stay, but also support to find work, access education and move on to independent living.

To support the charity visit,


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