Quincy Jones is really enjoying his press tour

Iconic artist has been dropping bombshells all over the place

Roisin O'Connor
Music Correspondent
Thursday 08 February 2018 11:00 GMT

Quincy Jones is gearing up for his 85th birthday, along with an upcoming Netflix documentary and CBS special hosted by Oprah Winfrey, and is clearly determined to make the most of his current press tour.

In recent interviews, the legendary record producer, actor and musician has dropped some huge bombs on subjects as wide-ranging as Marlon Brando, Michael Jackson, The Beatles and Donald Trump.

A frank Vulture interview saw Jones touched on serious subjects including the state of the music industry, race relations and feminism, but also let rip on the likes of The Beatles, who he branded "terrible musicians" and "no-playing motherf**kers".

He also revealed that Marlon Brando apparently slept with famous names including Richard Pryor, claiming he'd "f**k anything. Anything! He'd f**k a mailbox". He said he used to rip Michael Jackson for his plastic surgery, insisting it was linked to Jackson's troubled relationship with his father, and self-image issues.

Perhaps one of the most bizarre bombshells was his claim that he used to date Ivanka Trump, the daughter of US President Donald Trump.

"I used to date Ivanka, you know," he said. "Twelve years ago. Tommy Hilfiger, who was working with my daughter Kidada, said: 'Ivanka wants to have dinner with you'. I said, 'No problem'. She's a fine motherf**ker. She had the most beautiful legs I ever saw in my life. Wrong father, though."

Oprah later told TMZ that she had yet to read the interview, where Jones said she wasn't the right person to run for the US Presidency.

"Quincy is a friend of mine, you are not gonna get me to say one thing about Quincy," she said. "[He] discovered me for The Color Purple."

Last week Jones also took a small swipe at Taylor Swift in an interview with GQ, reportedly making a face "between disapproval and disdain" when asked about the pop star, and saying "we need more songs, man. F**king songs, not hooks".

That same interview, he admitted he "always gets in trouble" for talking too much, and lives up to the nickname his daughter gave him: LL QJ (Loose Lips Quincy Jones).

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