Watchmen TV series: HBO in talks with Batman v Superman director Zack Snyder about possible superhero show

'Preliminary discussions regarding Watchmen have occurred', the station has confirmed

Jack Shepherd
Friday 02 October 2015 09:05 BST
Silk Spectre and Doctor Manhattan share an intimate moment
Silk Spectre and Doctor Manhattan share an intimate moment

In 2009, just as the recent superhero cinematic universes were taking off, there was one, much darker, comic-book flick that stood against the lighter Iron-Man tide: Watchmen.

Critics were unsure how to feel about the film: some believed it was a masterpiece - the late Roger Ebert awarded it a full four star rating - while others thought it was overstuffed, with too many undeveloped, convoluted plot lines .

It was perhaps this final point that has spearheaded the idea of a Watchmen TV series. According to Collider, the films director Zack Snyder - who is currently working on Batman v Superman - has been in talks with HBO about making the series a reality.

While no details about the meeting have been released, HBO have since commented that “preliminary discussions regarding Watchmen have occurred,” but were unable to add any more details.

It is rumoured, however, that the pre-quel series Before Watchmen - a 37 comic-book series detailing the rise of the eight heroes, released in 2012 - may act as inspiration for the TV series, thus acting as a prequel to the film.

Obvious comparisons have been made to the Marvel TV shows Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Agent Carter, Daredevil etc. These shows connect to the Marvel films - Avengers, Captain America, Thor - unlike the DC shows Flash and Arrow, which connect to each other but not the upcoming slate of films.

HBO’s top show at the moment is Game of Thrones. However, the acclaimed series is coming to an end soon. Could HBO be eyeing up Watchmen as it’s replacement? What do you think?

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