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Charles Leclerc ‘cracked’ under pressure from Max Verstappen in Miami Grand Prix

The reigning champion fought back to pass both Ferrari cars after the standings leader had pole position

Karl Matchett
Thursday 12 May 2022 14:33 BST
(Getty Images)

Max Verstappen put the two Ferrari drivers under pressure at the Miami Grand Prix and neither were able to cope, claims ex-Formula One racer Jolyon Palmer.

The Red Bull man started from third but quickly displaced Carlos Sainz, before engaging in battle with pole position holder Charles Leclerc.

Ultimately it was the Belgian-Dutch driver who produced a winning display after passing and then holding off Leclerc, and closing the gap on him in the championship race to 19 points in the process.

It’s not so much the Red Bull victory which should cause concern for Ferrari, though, so much as how Leclerc wilted in the face of a big opportunity, Palmer claims.

“Leclerc looked to have similar outright pace to Verstappen in the race, but he was a little more erratic, complaining over the radio that his Ferrari was tricky to drive,” Palmer wrote for

“This not only affected his lap times, but it allowed Verstappen to pounce early. At the end of Lap 8 Verstappen was within DRS range of Leclerc, in a Red Bull that is quick on the straights, the pressure was beginning to mount on Leclerc who was just showing signs of struggling with his front tyres.

“Leclerc immediately cracked, running wide at Turn 17 as soon as Verstappen loomed large in the Ferrari’s mirrors.

“This gave the Dutchman a brilliant opportunity to pass, which became a slam dunk when Leclerc gifted Verstappen the inside line into Turn 1. Passes for the race lead don’t come much easier than that, particularly against a driver who is almost certainly Leclerc’s main title rival.”

By contrast, Verstappen managed to keep Leclerc at arm’s length when he attempted his own pass later in the race, with the two sharing top place on the podium in all five races so far this season - three for the Red Bull man and two for the Ferrari star.

The latter team are still just ahead in the constructor standings, with six points the gap there after Sainz and Leclerc did at least fill the other podium spots in Miami - a third top-three finish for Sainz, though he is yet to earn a victory.

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