F1 drivers all have ‘concern’ over race direction, claims Fernando Alonso

Michael Masi was removed as race director after controversy last season

Karl Matchett
Thursday 19 May 2022 12:53 BST
(AFP via Getty Images)

Fernando Alonso has hit out at the new race directors in Formula One, suggesting that the two-person replacement for Michael Masi has not had the desired effects.

Niels Wittich and Eduardo Freitas are due to split the role this season, with the former overseeing the five races so far and the latter stepping in for the Spanish Grand Prix.

Masi was removed from the role after criticism of his handling of the season finale, where Max Verstappen was allowed to pass Lewis Hamilton in contentious fashion to claim the last race and the championship itself.

An overhaul to the race directors’ approach and the team around them was revealed by the FIA ahead of the season but, when asked about criticism of the Miami Grand Prix track surface, Alonso played down the fact that there are issues to solve there and instead suggested that “all the drivers” have far bigger concerns over race authority to worry about.

“We have to give Miami time. The weekend was very good overall for F1, with the expectation and the guests that were there – it shows the growth of popularity in the United States,” the Alpine man said, per Spanish media.

“I give it good marks, although I’m sure there are things to improve and tweak after the experience of the first race. That happens at all circuits.

“Probably the most worrying thing is the race direction and the stewards. With all the changes that have taken place, they haven’t adapted too well and it’s a concern for all the drivers right now.”

Alonso also suggested that despite financial and technical regulations coming into play for the 2022 F1 season, there was still a lack of equality between teams, which is hindering the excitement on any given weekend.

“The category needs to be more equal. Following each other, and being able to overtake, has improved.

“But there are still huge differences between the teams and that was not the aim of the new rules. All the teams would have common parts and there would be more equality and different race winners.

“If you put a Red Bull or Ferrari last, they are on the podium like last year with Mercedes. They can overtake anywhere. But because we start in qualifying order there is little overtaking.”

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