Inside Politics: Michael Gove turns up anti-EU talk, as David Cameron turns down climate role

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Adam Forrest
Wednesday 05 February 2020 08:37 GMT
Brexit briefing: How long until the end of the transition period?

You can’t say anything nowadays! The latest victim of Piers Morgan’s war on woke saw a spokeswoman for PETA ridiculed for calling on animal lovers to stop using the awful word “pet”. She appeared on Good Morning Britain to explain that the preferred term was now “companion”. Boris Johnson would really rather we didn’t use the awful word “Brexit” anymore. He’d also really rather nobody talked about a “no-deal” crash out at the end of 2020’s transition period. But there is growing anger over the fact a no-deal crash out at the end of 2020 is exactly what his government is threatening to deliver. I’m Adam Forrest, and welcome to The Independent’s daily Inside Politics briefing.

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