Inside Business

Kwarteng says lights won’t go out as Britain’s energy crisis flickers and sparks into life

Consumers are going to get burned thanks to the government’s lack of foresight and the way the Conservatives handled energy privatisation, says James Moore

Monday 20 September 2021 21:30 BST
Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng said Britain has a ‘diverse range of gas supply sources’
Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng said Britain has a ‘diverse range of gas supply sources’ (PA Archive)

The lights won’t go out,” said business secretary Kwasi Kwarteng in a statement to the House of Commons, and if that isn’t a signal to put in a bulk order of candles from Amazon before going out to gather firewood I don’t know what is.

Kwarteng was giving an update on the energy crisis, during which time he managed to get told off by the speaker for taking too long without actually saying much of consequence in response to a rapidly developing situation for which the technical term is “godawful mess”.

He’s clearly going places in this government.

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