Inside Business

Rishi Sunak is protecting pensioners while workers feel the pain

The chancellor’s claims of ‘responsibility’ don’t stand up to scrutiny, believes James Moore. Nor his rationale for demanding wage restraint from public sector employees while handing pensioners a 10 per cent rise

Thursday 23 June 2022 21:30 BST
The chancellor has reinstated the triple lock for pensioners despite borrowing heavily
The chancellor has reinstated the triple lock for pensioners despite borrowing heavily (Reuters)

Being responsible with the public finances now will mean future generations aren’t burdened with even higher debt repayments, and we can secure our economy for the long term,” Rishi Sunak has said, responding to the latest figures on government borrowing. They don’t make for happy reading.

All that talk of the billions of pounds of “fiscal headroom” he had to do things has evaporated quicker than the water out of the top of a cup of hot tea.

The government borrowed £14bn in May, down £4bn when compared to last year, but still the third highest total for the month since records began. Debt interest rolled in at £7.6bn, more than double the figure of 12 months ago.

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