Inside Business

Price matters when it comes to going green

Asda says shoppers want to be sustainable but also want to see the prices of green products falling. The sustainability premium needs to be reduced across the board, says James Moore

Monday 08 November 2021 00:00 GMT
Asda says it’s going to add more green products
Asda says it’s going to add more green products (PA)

Lower prices are key for consumers to shop sustainably,” trumpets the Asda press release. And I almost deleted it right there.

These missives are usually little more than thinly disguised ads, with the “news” usually amounting to little more than the issuer’s claim of having the lowest prices and the best products, usually with some more or less spurious “research” to back up the claim.

But for some reason, I read on, and to my surprise found this to be one of those rare occasions where a release like this has something useful to say.

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