Why Kim Jong-un’s missile barrage is a message for Joe Biden

The burst of recent tests reveal North Korea’s desperation to come out of international isolation, reports Ahmed Aboudouh

Wednesday 02 February 2022 16:27 GMT
North Korea launches a hypersonic missile in early January
North Korea launches a hypersonic missile in early January (EPA)

We are only one month into the new year, and North Korea has already blasted off seven missile tests. With the isolated country becoming ever more remote and its economy burned out by the pandemic, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is on a mission to get Washington’s attention.

All of Pyongyang’s missile tests took place in January and reportedly included hypersonic testing missiles, short-range train-launched ballistic missiles and long-range cruise missiles. And at the weekend, North Korea fired a Hwasong-12 intermediate-range ballistic missile, its biggest missile test since 2017.

There is only one thing Kim has so far not authorised his troops to launch: intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) – a “red line” for the US.

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