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Rejected Tinder date asks for refund of £8.30 he spent on date's drink

63 per cent of men expect to pay the entire bill on a first date, according to a poll

Chelsea Ritschel
Friday 09 March 2018 20:14 GMT

Bad dates are a dime a dozen but for one man the thought of wasting money on a bad date was too much - so he asked for it back.

A woman posted the message she received from her Tinder date to Reddit after she was shocked he asked her to refund the money he spent on her drink at Wetherspoons.

Following the first date, the woman sent a polite text to her date that read: “I don’t think we have much chemistry so there won’t be another date. But it was lovely meeting you and I wish you all the best!”

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But the rejection appeared to be too much to handle for her Tinder date, who responded asking her to reimburse him for the £8.30.

He wrote: “I think so, already you are not my type, I think it was not a fun evening and I paid £8.30 for your drink.”

He then criticised her drink choice, which cost much more than his own.

“I thought you would want one of the ordinary drinks. I paid for my drink £1.75, I paid £8.30 for your drink.

“This is too much, you drank a huge bottle at the first meeting and I paid for this, I didn’t have to pay for it,” he responded.

The frustrated man then asked that his date “please pay this back,” before informing her: “I am waiting for a refund £8.30, thank you.” He ended his message with his bank routeing number so she could properly refund him.

Reddit user triggeredquilt uploaded the message her Tinder date sent her (Reddit)
Reddit user triggeredquilt uploaded the message her Tinder date sent her (Reddit)

But unfortunately for her distressed date, the woman, who preferred not to be named, had no intention of paying her date back for the drink - which she claimed she had offered to pay for at the bar.

According to the woman, she only asked for a £2.50 Long Island Iced Tea during Happy Hour, which she happily offered to put on her card. But it was her date who decided to get a pitcher instead.

She told the Press Association: “I have no intentions of paying, I offered, he declined and that’s where I draw the line.”

However, she did learn a lesson: “The lesson from here is Tinder has some interesting people, not every match is gonna be a match in real-life and just try not to take them too seriously."

For the most part, people on Reddit agree with her decision.

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And it seems most others do as well - according to a survey conducted by Tastecard, one in four women expect men to pay for dinner on the first date.

But there are also those who are adamant that women should pay for the drinks on a first date, or split the bill.

According to the survey, 62 per cent saying they would expect to go Dutch on the first date.

Asking for a refund, however, is always a no.

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