Woman invents 'boob hammock' towel to deal with summer sweating

Erin Robertson came up with the idea when she couldn't stop sweating before a date

David Maclean
Friday 04 August 2017 15:36 BST
Woman invents 'boob hammock' towel to deal with summer sweating

A new towel described by some as a “bizarre boob hammock” has divided opinion online.

It was invented by Erin Robertson, from Los Angeles, who said she came up with the idea when she couldn’t stop sweating while getting ready to go on a date.

In a blog post she wrote: “I tried everything: I tucked wash cloths under my breasts, I tried dumping baby powder all over me, I even put a T-shirt on and tucked it under my boobs.

“While I was blow-drying my hair, I just kept thinking: 'There HAS to be a better way to keep the beads of sweat from dripping down my stomach.”

She used YouTube tutorials to teach herself how to sew, which allowed her to create several prototype towels which she asked her friends to test.

The response? They loved it.

“To my wonderful surprise, what I thought was just a solution to boob sweat turned out to help other women in so many different ways.” She claims it’s so effective that it prevents a rash caused by moisture build-up.

As you’d expect, the new product has lit up social media, with surprising amount of people struggling to curb their enthusiasm for the towel.

The towels are available online and cost $45 (£34).

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