Missguided accused of digitally-imposing stretch marks on model's body in campaign images

'It’s obvious if you zoom in'

Olivia Petter
Friday 10 November 2017 17:47 GMT
Instagram (Missguided)

Online retailer Missguided have come under fire as shoppers accuse the brand of photoshopping stretch marks onto models' bodies.

The hugely-successful womenswear label made headlines earlier this week when fans noticed that they had uploaded images to the site that clearly showed models’ stretch marks.

However, upon closer inspection, fans are now saying that Missguided have doctored their images so that the stretch marks appear more visible.

Some are even saying that they are entirely fake.

Missguided has vehemently denied the allegations, releasing the following statement in response: “We would like to add that all accusations that we have photo-shopped on stretch marks are entirely untrue.

“Our aim is to inspire body positivity, so our policy is to not photoshop out what are generally perceived as 'flaws'.

"The only retouch that happens at Missguided is on the garment to colour match fabrics and ensure its shown true to life. In the image in question, the model's own underwear she was wearing underneath had been edited out."

However, some fans are adamant that the pictures have been edited and that the stretch marks have been artificially created.

“They actually photoshopped stretch marks on her bum,” one commenter wrote on the one of the brand’s Instagram posts.

“I’m saying the stretch marks have been added/enhanced," added another.

"It’s obvious if you zoom in, nothing wrong with stretch marks at all. But if they’re going to add them in they should do a better job."

Some fans supported their claims by pointing out that the stretch marks don't quite match up between photos, despite featuring the same model from a similar angle.

There are certainly noticeable distinctions between the way the marks appear on the model’s body in the two lingerie images posted on the brand’s Instagram page, particularly if you zoom in closely.

The second image in the above post also appears to have a slightly jagged line on the model’s right buttock, which may suggest that the image has been edited slightly.

In spite of the claims, the majority of the label’s fans were delighted to see them embracing women’s bodies in their natural state, given that stretch marks affect 80 per cent of women.

Many commenters described the shots as "beautiful” and empowering.

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