How to make giant Pop-Tarts that definitely won't fit in your toaster

They barely fit in the oven... 

Kashmira Gander
Friday 21 October 2016 12:40 BST

First came giant peanut butter cups, then humongous Oreos. Now PopTarts are the latest sugar-filled treat to be supersized.

Forget tiny, rectangular PopTarts that slot easily into the toaster. Fitness blogger Blake Horton has created giant pastries that barely fit in the oven, let alone a puny worktop appliance. And the result packs a whopping 2,500 calories.

In a video shared on the Food Beast Facebook page, Horton is shown creating gigantic PopTarts using shortcrust pastry, fresh strawberries, and spread.

First, he places the pastry onto baking trays, and layers them with organic chocolate peanut butter and a pound of fresh strawberries. He then bakes the tarts in the oven at 425 degrees until the crust turns golden brown.

To decorate, he slathers the tarts in cream cheese and multi-coloured sprinkles.

We would have blind-baked the pastry first, but hey, who are we to mess with what looks like perfection?

Horton, who - wisely or not - eats only one meal a day, has 69,000 followers on Instagram where he documents his gigantic creations.

Other recipes include a peanut butter, sweet potato and cookie dough pizza, and one meal consisting of 30 waffles, 2lbs of strawberries, one pound of bananas, a quarter of a tub of yogurt, half a container of peanut butter, syrup, sprinkles and cinnamon sugar.

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