Fresh walnuts with goat's cheese, comb honey and sweet rye-bread crisps

Serves 4

Saturday 13 December 2008 22:09 GMT
(Noel Murphy )

This is almost like a cheese plate and you can do it with any cheese – even blue. It is one of those lovely, unusual combinations you sometimes come across by accident that make you go "wow".

1tbsp unsalted butter
1/4 loaf rye bread, sliced thinly
1tsp caster or granulated sugar
8 fresh walnuts, cracked
8 wedges goat's cheese (20g/3/4oz each)
80g/3oz comb honey

Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas4. Melt the butter in a small saucepan and whisk over the heat until it turns a light golden colour. Brush the slices of rye bread with the butter then sprinkle with the sugar. Bake on a baking tray until crispy (around 5-7 minutes). Remove and allow to cool.

Arrange all components on four plates and serve as a cheese course or starter.

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