Falklands War: A look back in 50 photographs

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Falklands War. One of the defining moments of former Conservative Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher's leadership, the hard feelings of Argentineans at the loss of islands they claim as theirs has not eased.

Nadia Ismail
Thursday 29 March 2012 10:00 BST

On the thirtieth anniversary of the Falklands War, relations between Britain and Argentina remain frosty over the tiny South Atlantic Ocean archipelago.

The conflict that lasted for 74 days, between April and June 1982, was a tug-of-war between the two countries, resulting in over 1,000 dead on both sides.

Britain's military action was in response to an Argentine invasion of the islands. The conflict brought people to the streets protesting both in support of Argentina’s claim and against the then military government, rapid political changes forced the military to cede to democratic governance.

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British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, a controversial and militant voice in British politics, gained widespread support after Britain’s victory in the crisis.

Argentina claims the Falklands have been a part of their territories since the 19 century. Despite Argentina’s argument their invasion was a merely a territorial reoccupation, Britain regards the Islands as a dependent territory.

The results of a recent survey in The Guardian, shows 61 per cent of respondents in this country want the Falklands to remain protected ‘at all costs’ by Britain.

In the lead up to the thirtieth anniversary, tensions have re-erupted with Argentina reasserting its claim over the Falklands.

Argentina also accused the UK of a 'provocative gesture' by deploying the Duke of Cambridge, Prince William, to the Falkland Islands. There were other accusations that the British were militarising the Falklands in an effort to bolster their claim to the Islands.

The tension has spread, as in March this year, Peru cancelled the visit to its shores of a British Royal Navy frigate. The Peruvians said this was to be a sign of solidarity with Argentina over the latter’s claims to the Falklands.

A chilly British-Argentine diplomacy is set to continue as the fur flies over the ownership of these small islands.

To mark the thirtieth anniversary Independent.co.uk has trawled through the archives to bring you iconic pictures of the conflict.

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