Modern men 'struggling with chivalry'

Monday 08 February 2010 10:10 GMT

Men are struggling when it comes to modern chivalry, according to a report published today.

Despite 78% of women saying they would love to receive a romantic letter or poem, only half of men (50%) have penned either, the study found.

Most women claim they would treasure a love letter, or poem, for the time and effort spent writing it, which is perhaps why 6% of men confessed to passing off existing romantic poetry as their own in order to impress the fair sex.

While the passionately composed love lyric was an important feature of wooing in olden times, today's men are more inclined to use their mobiles to dash off a text (21%) or an emailed message (11%) to their loved one, according to the Lindt Lindor Code of Modern Chivalry report.

The study found that while the majority of women are regular users of Facebook and Twitter, 56% would feel disappointed to receive a wall message or tweet instead of a traditional greetings card this coming Valentine's weekend.

The study found that 62% of women would like to be complimented on their appearance, while a third (33%) appreciate a partner with good eye contact, regarding this as a sign of devotion.

It also unearthed the behaviour that would-be modern knights should avoid at all costs:

:: If taking one's loved one for dinner, pick up the bill - a third of women (32%) admit they do not expect to 'go Dutch' on Valentine's Day.

:: Focus on the lady one is with - wandering eyes are a major cause of offence for eight in 10 (80%) women.

:: Switch off the phone and Blackberry, or even better, leave them at home. Interrupting the evening with a phone call, text or email would almost unanimously irritate women (98%).

Relationship expert Jenni Trent Hughes said: "We may no longer be knights in shining armour or damsels in distress, but we still want and need romance - it is part of our emotional DNA.

"The beauty of romance in the 21st century is that it is a blank slate.

"Forget about everyone else and make Valentine's Day work for you and the object of your affection."

:: Lindt Lindor commissioned consumer research among 2,113 UK adults between January 12 and 26.

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