Teenager turns his 'promposal' into an actual marriage proposal

The high school sweethearts have been dating for three years

Chelsea Ritschel
Saturday 28 April 2018 17:54 BST
Dawson Moore proposes to girlfriend Amber Brownlee on prom night

A teenager has redefined “promposal” after shocking his girlfriend on prom night with an actual marriage proposal.

Dawson Moore and his girlfriend, Amber Brownlee, from Belton, Texas, had been dating for three years when Moore decided it was time to pop the question.

In a video uploaded to his Twitter, which has been liked over 76,000 times, Brownlee and Moore are taking pre-prom photos when Brownlee turns to find her boyfriend on one knee.

Overcome with emotion and caught off-guard, Brownlee embraces her new fiancé in the now viral video, which was captioned: “Promposals are overrated. Let’s do the real thing.”

And although the high school seniors may be young, they both agreed that this day was coming.

Speaking to Insider, Brownlee said of the emotional prom night: “I had no idea he was going to propose. I mean, of course, we've talked about getting married. But I always thought it would be in a couple years."

In reality, the proposal was something Moore had been planning for months. He told The Independent: "The proposal was a huge surprise to Amber. It was something that I was sitting on since roughly December to January, and talked to many people about. Around March, I talked to my parents about it, as well as my sister, and they were all on board. I talked to Amber's mother in advance to get her blessing and she welcomed me in with happy tears."

And, according to the teens, they are more than ready to tie the knot - and they have the blessings of their friends and families, who are apparently “super excited.”

Moore told us: "Both my parents and hers helped me plan the proposal for her to make sure it'd be a night for her to remember."

However, on Twitter, in addition to congratulatory messages, the high school students have also been bombarded with questions about their relationship and why they have decided to get married so young.

Rather than responding to all of the questions, comments, and criticisms they’ve gotten, both Brownlee and her fiancé decided to make it easier for people curious about their relationship by sharing a few facts.

Moore's sister took the photographs (Hope Johns Twisted J Photography / Emily Ung EBU Photography)
Moore's sister took the photographs (Hope Johns Twisted J Photography / Emily Ung EBU Photography)
The couple does not care that people think they are too young (Hope Johns Twisted J Photography / Emily Ung EBU Photography)
The couple does not care that people think they are too young (Hope Johns Twisted J Photography / Emily Ung EBU Photography)

According to Brownlee, the pair is expected to graduate high school in one month, Moore “really” did buy her a ring with the money he saved up from working two jobs, and yes, they are getting married, but “NO the wedding isn’t tomorrow.”

The couple wants to get married in the next few years (Hope Johns Twisted J Photography / Emily Ung EBU Photography)
The couple wants to get married in the next few years (Hope Johns Twisted J Photography / Emily Ung EBU Photography)

Moore also revealed that the couple has lived together for over a year and they both have plans to attend college after they graduate.

And despite the backlash, the high school sweethearts are excited for their future together - after they finish high school.

"Of course there is always someone to find the bad in every situation, or choose statistics over passion, but we have made the choice to ignore those people to the best of our ability," Moore told us. "For the most part, it's been love and support, and Amber and I are grateful for it."

As for the beautiful pictures, the moment was made even more special because it was captured by Moore's sister, photographer Hope Johns.

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