The one quality all successful people share

Elsa Vulliamy
Saturday 02 January 2016 14:01 GMT

Male secretaries and administrative assistants are most likely to marry male office and administrative-support supervisors.

 Male secretaries and administrative assistants are most likely to marry male office and administrative-support supervisors.

‘Success’ means different things to different people, but it’s something that we all seek in our own way.

Many obstacles can get in the way of finding one’s own version of success, whatever that may be.

We often feel as though our failures are down to some kind of character flaw – as though we are missing something that people who do are not.

When asked what makes a person successful, CEOs and entrepreneurs from around the world shared their expert advice on Quora – they all agreed on one thing.

The key to success is perseverance – successful people never give up on achieving their goals, no matter how many times they’re knocked down.


You only fail in your business when you actually give up, so, in fact, no business would ever fail if people persevered.

An entrepreneur faces all of the debilitating problems of their own life coupled with all of the personal problems of their team, as well as hostile operating environments, limited capital, stretched resources, no time, regulatory burdens, etc.

The loneliness and darkness of entrepreneurship are not discussed very often, but they are very real. Those that persevere succeed. Those that don't, don't.

Adeo Ressi – Founder and CEO of TheFunded

"Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal."

[Perservarence] is about the mental tenacity to see a way around the everyday challenge, minutiae and bureaucracy that the world can throw at you.

As I was taught in the Royal Marines, in the face of whatever was thrown at us, you need to ‘improvise, adapt, overcome.

Dom Moorhouse – author of the Five Year Entrepreneur Series


If there is any word that describes successful people, that’s it. Successful people just don’t quit.

There are many keys to success. But the biggest secret of success, by a thousand miles at least, is relentlessness. You must, in Winston Churchill’s words, “never, never, never quit.” 

Manage that, and you are well on your way.

Rod D Martin – Founder and CEO of The Martin Organisation

Remember, don’t give up.

If you have a business that adds value it will succeed.

Saket Newaskar CTO-founder

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