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JK Rowling answers scientists puzzled by evolutionary purpose of female orgasm

It's an important incentive. 

Heather Saul
Thursday 04 August 2016 12:51 BST
JK Rowling
JK Rowling (PA)

There has been much chatter this week about the female orgasm and how it became a part of sex in a species where it is not necessary for procreation.

While the reproductive purpose of the male orgasm is clear, the female equivalent plays no role in reproduction.

An article in The New York Times explores the phenomena which has fascinated biologists after two new experts joined the search for its evolutionary roots and biological function.

The piece also highlights research by Dr Elisabeth A. Lloyd, who believes the female orgasm has not served any evolutionary purpose and is simply a “byproduct” of the male orgasm.

But JK Rowling, who normally reserves her Twitter feed for drip-feeding die-hard fans random insights into the characters from the Harry Potter series, stepped into the fray to solve the enigma of the female orgasm by underscoring what an important incentive it serves.

Scientists say they have now deduced its purpose. Apparently, it is an afterthought of evolution, left from our ape ancestors. Researchers believe that the trait now called the orgasm once helped trigger ovulation.

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