Troops patrol Kashmir on anniversary of statehood revocation

Government forces are patrolling much of Indian-controlled Kashmir and ordered shops and businesses to remain open to foil a planned strike by separatists on the second anniversary of India’s revocation of the disputed region’s semi-autonomy

Via AP news wire
Thursday 05 August 2021 11:44 BST
India Kashmir Protest
India Kashmir Protest (Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.)

Government forces patrolled much of Indian-controlled Kashmir and ordered shops and businesses to remain open Thursday to foil a planned strike by separatists on the second anniversary of India’s revocation of the disputed region’s semi-autonomy.

Government forces placed steel barricades and razor wire across many roads, bridges and intersections and set up checkpoints in anticipation of anti-India protests. Some shops and businesses remained shut in Srinagar the region’s main city, while police and soldiers checked vehicles and frisked pedestrians.

In Srinagar's main business center, men escorted by police used iron rods and bricks to break locks on some shuttered shops.

On Aug. 5, 2019, the Indian government led by Hindu nationalist Prime Minister Narendra Modi stripped Jammu and Kashmir of its statehood, scrapped its separate constitution and revoked inherited protections of land and jobs, allowing more outsiders to settle in the Muslim-majority region.

The former state was split into two federal territories — Ladakh and Jammu-Kashmir — deepening anti-India sentiment in the region. Indian authorities also enforced a monthslong information blackout and security clampdown. Thousands of young people and political leaders — both anti- and pro-India — were arrested. Scores remain incarcerated.

As some of the restrictions were eased, India enforced another harsh lockdown to combat the coronavirus, deepening the economic crisis in the region.

Separatist groups who challenge India’s sovereignty in Kashmir called for Thursday’s strike to mark what they call “black day.”

The status of Kashmir has been a key point of dispute between Pakistan and India since the two countries split after the end of British colonial rule. They each control part of Kashmir and have fought two wars over the region.

Since 1989, rebels have fought India's rule in the portion of Kashmir it controls. Most Muslim Kashmiris support the rebel goal of uniting the territory, either under Pakistani rule or as an independent country.

Tens of thousands of civilians, rebels and government forces have been killed in the conflict.

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