Chris Packham sacked by bird charity for becoming ‘too political’

The charity’s chairman said some members didn’t like the ‘political side’ of Mr Packham’s activities

Alexander Butler
Friday 08 December 2023 18:24 GMT
Chris Packham 'salutes' the students protesting against climate change

Chris Packham has been sacked by a bird charity for becoming “too political” and doing no work for the organisation, according to reports.

The BBC star and naturalist was let go by bird of prey rehabilitation centre Raptor Rescue because his environmental campaigns were “splitting” its membership.

The charity’s chair said some members didn’t like the “political side” of Mr Packham’s activities and it couldn’t support his advice on breaking the law for environmental reasons.

“He was a patron, but we hadn’t heard from him in a long time, he hadn’t done anything for the charity, and we couldn’t contact him,” Malcolm Robbins told the Daily Telegraph.

“The other reason we decided to remove him was he started to get more and more political in his views and that didn’t sit well with our members either.”

Chris Packham was let go by bird charity for becoming “too political”
Chris Packham was let go by bird charity for becoming “too political” (PA)

It comes after Mr Packham claimed breaking the law to campaign against climate change policies was “the ethically responsible thing to do” provided it did not hurt anyone.

He compared the activity of Just Stop Oil protesters to the suffragettes and the South African anti-apartheid movement, claiming a radical environmental flank could develop in the UK.

“The suffragettes set fire to things, smashed a lot of glass, attacked people on the street. And in apartheid, they were blowing up trains, blowing up factories.

“What the climate movement is grudgingly having to accept is that maybe that radical flank will develop,” he told Radio Times.

On Monday, Mr Packham filed a High Court legal challenge to the UK government over its decision to weaken key climate policies.

Chris Packham claimed breaking the law to campaign against climate change policies was ‘ethically responsible’
Chris Packham claimed breaking the law to campaign against climate change policies was ‘ethically responsible’ (PA)

He applied for a judicial review of the government’s decision to ditch the timetable for phasing out petrol- and diesel-powered cars and vans, gas boilers, off-grid fossil fuel domestic heating and minimum energy ratings for homes.

Raptor Rescue rescues and rehabilitates more than 600 birds a year and runs a helpline where members of the public can report raptors in distress.

Mr Packham had been involved in Raptor Rescue since the early 1990s. The decision to remove him, first reported by the Fieldsports Channel, had nothing to do with claims in his book that as a boy he once stole a kestrel from a nest, Mr Robbins said.

Mr Packham was approached for comment.

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