Piers Morgan criticises Sadiq Khan for fact some key workers must pay congestion charge despite being told to avoid public transport

‘You’re really going to charge essential workers £100 a week to use their car during a crisis of this magnitude,’ asks GMB presenter

Chiara Giordano
Thursday 21 May 2020 12:28 BST
Piers Morgan criticises Sadiq Khan for fact some key workers must pay congestion charge

Piers Morgan has criticised the mayor of London for the fact many key workers must still pay the congestion charge despite being told to avoid public transport.

The Good Morning Britain host grilled Sadiq Khan over the fee for people driving in central London, which will rise from £11.50 to £15 a day from next month, while its hours of operation will also be extended.

The plans have been slammed for appearing to be at odds with the government’s plea for people to avoid using public transport because of the risks involved during the coronavirus outbreak.

In an interview on Thursday morning, Mr Morgan pushed Mr Khan on who set the price hike and new hours of operation.

He said: “You’re the one who decided what that scope would be, so own the scope that you went for.

“Just tell me are all these essential workers now having to pay these punitive extra charges to use their cars, having been told by the prime minister to use their car and not public transport.”

The London mayor replied: “Those who work in the NHS and in care homes who are often in contact with people who are vulnerable … they’re exempt from the congestion charge.”

Asked whether teachers, police officers or firefighters would also be exempt, Mr Khan added: “The intention is all others if they have to go to work using their car they’ll have to pay the congestion charge when it changes on 22 June.”

He was slammed by the presenter, who said: “You’re really going to charge essential workers £100 a week to use their car during a crisis of this magnitude when they have to go to work to save our lives?”

Mr Khan insisted he was “being told” to “immediately reinstate the congestion charge we’ve agreed on”.

But the presenter asked whether he always does what the government tells him to do, adding: “Or are you an independent London mayor? If you don’t agree with it, why did you agree to it?”

Ken Marsh, chairman of the Metropolitan Police Federation, on Tuesday said it was a “slap in the face” and officers should not be "penalised" for travelling to their shifts.

More than 4,000 people have signed a petition calling for key workers to be exempt from the levy.

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