Railway land across Britain to be developed in new Government backed initiative

The scheme will be led by local authorities and adapted to local needs

Will Worley
Sunday 10 April 2016 00:04 BST
York council believed developing land around York Central station could support up to 2,500 homes
York council believed developing land around York Central station could support up to 2,500 homes (Wikipedia/Hugh Llewelyn)

Land belonging to railway stations in towns across the country is set to be developed in "the biggest programme of rail improvements since the Victorian age".

The Department for Communities and Local Government hopes the project, to build on Network Rail property, will create numerous jobs and up to 10,000 homes.

However, the scheme would be locally led, with no Government-imposed targets on affordable housing.

It is as yet unknown who could benefit most from the developments, likely to be extremely lucrative for developers given the prime location of many railway stations in town centres.

Though it is making funding available for developers and Starter Homes, the Government has insisted local areas will decide their own needs for each project area, meaning the sites could all be very different to one another.

York, Taunton and Swindon councils have already identified railway sites that could be used to deliver housing and other regeneration.

Neither the Taunton or Swindon proposals mention affordable housing in their pitches, but focus on the creation of “vibrant” areas which will improve local business, leisure and market-rate housing options.

The York proposals are more detailed, suggesting that land at York Central station can support up to 2,500 homes. While the York proposals mention the inclusion of Starter Homes and community facilities, it does not commit to a number or specify details. In addition to housing, the council predicts the development of 100,000 square metres of office and commercial space which could support over 6,600 jobs.

Local councils across the country are being called on by the Government to take part in the scheme.

Communities Secretary, Greg Clark, said: "Rail stations are a hub of communities, connectivity and commerce and should be making the most of their unique potential to attract investment and opportunities.

"With record numbers of people travelling by train, it makes sense to bring people closer to stations and develop sites that have space for thousands of new homes and offices."

The Government believes the project will help improve commerce and give the taxpayer value for money. Transport Secretary, Patrick McLoughlin, said: “We are delivering the biggest programme of rail improvements since the Victorian age.

“As a one nation Government we are determined to ensure further opportunities are grasped to put stations at the heart of wider community regeneration. This will help deliver thousands of new homes and jobs and deliver a substantial return to the taxpayer.

“I’m pleased to see that exciting visions for regeneration at Swindon, Taunton and York are being developed, with the potential for hundreds of additional homes and new businesses.”

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