‘That was for you, DC’: has Cameron got some new fans in Haim?


Monday 30 September 2013 00:10 BST
Prime Minister David Cameron poses the rock group Haim as they appear on the BBC current affairs programme, The Andrew Marr Show
Prime Minister David Cameron poses the rock group Haim as they appear on the BBC current affairs programme, The Andrew Marr Show (Getty)

David Cameron has branded the Labour Party’s tax policy “nuts”, warning that it would drive business out of Britain and hamper the economic recovery.

In a direct appeal to the New Labour centre ground, Mr Cameron said yesterday he wanted the Tories to be the party both of “enterprise and good public services”. He said Labour should not be “bashing business” and warned that Ed Miliband’s plan to increase corporation tax would cost Britain jobs and put the economic recovery at risk.

“It is nuts, frankly, to put up corporation tax. Jaguar Land Rover is now making world-beating cars, selling them all over the world. And Ed Miliband wants to put up their taxes.”

Mr Cameron made his comments on the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show – where he appeared alongside the Californian rock band Haim – and his arguments appeared to have convinced the three sisters, at least. After performing “The Wire”, the band’s bass player pointed at the Prime Minister saying: “That was for you, DC. It’s all about you.”

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