'Daddy is so proud of you': Joe Biden issues emotional message to George Floyd's daughter at funeral service

'The countless hours he spent playing any game you wanted, because your smile, your laugh, your love, is the only thing that mattered at the moment'

Justin Vallejo
New York
Tuesday 09 June 2020 19:45 BST
Joe Biden issues emotional message to George Floyd's daughter

Former vice president Joe Biden addressed George Floyd's daughter Gianna in a speech to his funeral in Houston, Texas, telling her "Daddy is so proud of you". He was speaking via video link as protests over the 46-year-old's killing at the hands of police continued to reverberate around the world.

"You're so brave. Daddy's looking down he's so proud of you. I know you miss that bear hug, riding on his shoulders so you could touch the sky," Mr Biden said.

"The countless hours he spent playing any game you wanted, because your smile, your laugh, your love, is the only thing that mattered at the moment."

Speaking to the six-year-old directly, Mr Biden said she shouldn't have to ask the questions that too many black children have to ask for generations, "why is daddy gone?"

"And looking through your eyes, we should also be asking ourselves why the answer is so often too cruel and painful," he said.

"Why, in this nation, do black Americans wake up knowing they can lose their life just for living their life?"

Mr Biden quoted the first African American Supreme Court Justice, Thurgood Marshall, that the time for America to "dissent from indifference" was now, and his Catholic upbringing taught him that faith requires him to work for justice.

"Now is the time for racial justice. That's the answer we must give to our children when they ask, 'Why?'" Mr Biden said.

"Because when there's justice for George Floyd, we will truly be on our way to racial justice in America. And then, as you said, Gianna, your daddy will have changed the world."

The sombre video, recorded at Mr Biden's home in Delaware, was played at the last of three events over six days to mark the death of Mr Floyd, who died while in police custody.

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