Tamir Rice: Three police officers face administrative charges over killing of black 12-year-old

 They could face punishments ranging from 11 days suspension to termination of their roles

Sunday 15 January 2017 17:59 GMT
CCTV of Tamir Rice shooting

Three police officers are facing administrative charges after shooting dead Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old boy who was holding a toy gun at the time.

Cleveland’s Quality Control Office, Integrity Control Section and Critical Incident Review Committee reviewed the case and suggested Timothy Loehmann, Frank Garmback and William Cunningham, should all face administrative charges for the death.

All three officers were on the scene when Tamir was shot and killed in November 2014. The person who alerted the authorities told the dispatcher that saw an armed boy but it may have been a toy gun rather than a real one.

This information was apparently not relayed to the officers who rushed to the scene.

After the shooting Tamir’s sister ran to the gazebo in a state of panic and was handcuffed and placed in the back of the patrol car, according to a report by the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor's Office.

The officers could now face punishments ranging from 11 days suspension to termination of their roles, according to ABC news.

Tamir’s family received a $6 million settlement from the city but said no amount of money could compensate for the loss of his life.

"Tamir was 12 years old when he was shot and killed by police — a young boy with his entire life ahead of him, full of potential and promise. In a situation such as this, there is no such thing as closure or justice. Nothing will bring Tamir back,” attorneys for the Rice family said in a statement, according to the Washington Post.

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