Petition calls for Four Seasons Total Landscaping to be named to the National Register of Historic Places

Business became unlikely venue for bizarre Rudy Giuliani press conference

Graeme Massie
Los Angeles
Wednesday 18 November 2020 23:18 GMT
Rudy Giuliani questions legitimacy of Joe Biden election win

A petition has called for Philadelphia’s Four Seasons Total Landscaping to be named to the National Register of Historic Places.

More than 2,800 people have signed the petition at to recognise the bizarre role the business played in the 2020 election.

“We as a nation need to remember where the travesty of the Trump administration died with a whimper,” states the petition.

The business is where Rudy Giuliani held a much-maligned 7 November press conference at the same time media outlets called the election for Joe Biden.

Mr Giuliani wanted to challenge vote counting in Pennsylvania, whose 20 electoral college votes took Mr Biden over the necessary 270 threshold he needed for the White House.

Mr Trump had promoted the press conference on Twitter, with many assuming he meant it was at the luxury hotel in the city.

But instead media gathered outside an industrial unit next to an adult bookshop and opposite a crematorium.

“This is important history,” one person wrote in the comments section of the petition.

“Historically significant. Can the porn shop be included in the boundary?” added another signee.

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