Haley and DeSantis trade blows in fiery GOP debate: ‘You’re just so desperate’

Clash came as pair refused to condemn Donald Trump’s candidacy for president

Graeme Massie
Los Angeles
Thursday 11 January 2024 03:29 GMT
‘Desperate’: Haley accuses DeSantis of lying throughout debate

Nikki Haley branded 2024 Republican rival Ron DeSantis “desperate” as the pair clashed in a fiery debate days before the Iowa caucuses.

The pair argued as they discussed potential cuts to social security, with the Florida governor accusing Ms Haley of being in favour of sending American tax dollars over “to pay the pensions of Ukrainian bureaucrats”.

“That is not true. That is such a lie, Ron,” she said as Mr DeSantis told her she was in favour of continuing to send money over to the at-war country.

“You’re so desperate. You’re just so desperate,” she told him as she shook her head in apparent disgust.

Ms Haley accusing her rival of lying was a theme of the night as she repeatedly plugged her new desantislies.com website.

Both candidates also failed to condemn Donald Trump’s character or suitability to be the next president when asked by host Jake Tapper.

Nikki Haley brands Ron DeSantis as ‘desperate’ during fiery GOP debate in Iowa
Nikki Haley brands Ron DeSantis as ‘desperate’ during fiery GOP debate in Iowa (Getty Images)

“Donald Trump is running to pursue his interests, Nikki Haley is running to pursue her donors’ interests, I’m running to pursue your interests,” said Mr DeSantis as he dodged the question.

“We don’t need another mealy-mouthed politician who tells you the things you want to hear to get your vote so she can get into office and do her donors’ bidding,” he said of Ms Haley.

In response, Ms Haley said: “I don’t think that President Trump is the right president to go forward. I think it’s time for a new generational leader that’s going to go and make America proud again, and that’s what I’m going to try and do.”

And she added: “I don’t have vengeance. I don’t have vendettas. I don’t take things personally. For me, it’s very much about no drama, no whining, and getting results and getting them done.”

Mr DeSantis then criticised Mr Trump for failing to build his southern border wall and claimed that he was “the guy that’s going to be able to engineer a comeback for this country.”

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