Woman' faked rape to induce husband to move'


Don Thompson
Sunday 11 December 2011 01:00 GMT

A California state prison psychologist has been charged with faking her own rape in an unsuccessful attempt to persuade her husband to move to a safer neighbourhood, according to local police.

Laurie Ann Martinez conspired with a friend to create the appearance that she had been beaten, robbed and raped in her home in April. Investigators say she split her own lip with a pin, scraped her knuckles with sandpaper and had her friend punch her in the face with boxing gloves they bought for that purpose.

Martinez, her friend, and two co-workers eventually told police that the whole thing was an elaborate setup to convince Martinez's husband, David, that they needed to move. It didn't work. If convicted of conspiracy she could face up to three years in jail.

"If all you wanted to do is move, there are other ways than staging a burglary and rape," said Sacramento police sergeant Andrew Pettit. "She went to great lengths to make this appear real."


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