Steve Bannon and George Galloway 'hug' in Kazakhstan after learning Theresa May has resigned

Trump campaign chief and former Labour MP are united in their desire for Brexit

Tom Embury-Dennis
Friday 24 May 2019 14:52 BST
Theresa May tears up during resignation speech

Steve Bannon and George Galloway reportedly hugged each other in Kazakhstan following Theresa May’s resignation as prime minister.

An image shared on Twitter showed Mr Bannon, Donald Trump’s former strategist, apparently chatting with and holding the arm of the former Labour politician on Friday.

The pair were in the Kazakh city of Almaty to take part in a televised debate at the 2019 Eurasian Media Forum.

Natalia Antelava, a journalist in attendance who posted the photo, claimed Mr Galloway announced, “Theresa May has resigned”, to which Mr Bannon replied, “Let me give you a hug”.

Ms Antelava tweeted: “I pulled a camera out just as they let go of tight embrace but here is the far right and far left very much on the same page in Almaty.”

While apparently on opposing ends of the political spectrum – Mr Bannon is leading a training school to develop far-right “culture warriors” – lifelong socialist Mr Galloway has in recent months found alignment with the right over his desire for a hard Brexit.

The 64-year-old announced earlier this year he would support the Brexit Party at Thursday’s European elections, having earlier said party leader Nigel Farage and he were “allies in one cause”.

Mr Galloway later defended his interaction with Mr Bannon after journalist George Monbiot asked on Twitter if the man in the picture was really him.

“What do you want me to do after a televised debate - punch him?” Mr Galloway said. He later suggested he had never hugged Mr Bannon, tweeting, “You see me hugging anyone Georgie Boy?”

It came after Ms May broke down in tears after announcing on Friday morning she will stand down as prime minister within weeks over her failure to deliver Brexit.

In an emotionally-charged statement on the steps of 10 Downing Street, Ms May said she will resign as Conservative leader on 7 June, but will remain as leader until her successor is chosen.

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