Two dead after person falls seven floors at Abba tribute concert in Sweden

Tragedy happened as more than 1,000 fans arrived at the Konsert & Kongress hall in Uppsala

Colin Drury
Wednesday 03 November 2021 09:02 GMT
Uppsala Konsert & Kongress hall
Uppsala Konsert & Kongress hall (Google)

Two people have died and another has been injured after a man fell from the seventh floor of a concert venue into a crowd gathering for an Abba tribute gig.

The tragedy happened as more than 1,000 fans arrived at the Konsert & Kongress hall in the Swedish city of Uppsala, at around 7pm on Tuesday evening.

The two fatalities included the man who fell – who was in his 80s – and a person stood below, another man in his 60s.

The third person was left with non-life threatening injuries and was taken to hospital.

Magnus Jansson Klarin, a police spokesperson, said: “We received a call about someone having either jumped or fallen from a high altitude.”

He said officers were working to establish what exactly had but added that they “currently had no reason to think a crime had been committed in relation to the man's fall".

The concert hall was closed by police with the gig cancelled so witnesses at the scene could be questioned

MTLive, the events company that organised the show, said the entire organisation was “in shock" following the incident.

Writing on social media, it added: “Unfortunately, we have to announce that a terrible event has happened. What we know is that someone jumped [or] fell high in the arena and hit other people. Right now we don't know much more.”

The deaths comes just days before the real Abba are due to release their first new album in more than 40 years on Friday.

A series of summer shows have been announced for a specially built venue in London.

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