Couple learns of their son's murder after storming police press conference

'Beloved' Kingston Frazier was repeatedly shot after the six-year-old's mum's car was stolen

Greg Wilford
Saturday 20 May 2017 16:02 BST
Kingston Frazier was shot dead
Kingston Frazier was shot dead (Jackson Police Department)

A horrified couple learned their missing child had been shot dead during a botched car theft when they stormed a police press conference about the case.

Kingston Frazier was repeatedly shot after his mum’s Toyota Camry was stolen from a Kroger supermarket car park in Jackson, Mississippi, earlier this week

The six-year-old had been left asleep in the back seat with the car running as his mother, Ebony Archie, bought something from the shop.

When the youngster's body was discovered in the abandoned vehicle around eight hours later, police announced the news to the media before telling his parents.

Parents of killed boy find out at police press conference

As Kingston’s father David Archie rushed towards gathered TV crews and journalists after an officer said: “It’s never a good day when something like this happens, our hearts go out to the family.”

Mr Archie shouted: “Where’s my son? I ain’t heard sh*t about my son all day. And I know he ain’t right. If there's something wrong let me know right now.”

A policeman spoke to the worried father, after which he cried: “My son is dead, man. They killed my son, they killed him, they shot him, they shot him.”

As the cameras filmed the grieving father, a woman can be heard screaming in distress.

The suspected killer, McBride 

 The suspected killer, McBride 
 (Madison County Sheriff's Office)

Byron McBride, 19, is accused of shooting Kingston repeatedly after driving to the supermarket car park in a Honda Civic with Dwan Wakefield and D’Allen Washington, both 17 years old.

The teenagers have been charged as adults for capital murder and for the killing of a child during a kidnapping.

Their alleged victim was due to graduate from kindergarten at North Jackson Elementary School this week.

A spokesman for the school, Sherwin Johnson, told the US news channel WAPT: “The Jackson Public School District is deeply saddened by the tragic death of North Jackson Elementary scholar, Kingston Frazier.

“He was beloved by his classmates and teachers and will surely be missed. The District is providing grief counsellors to the students and staff of the school.

“We ask all citizens to keep the Frazier family in their thoughts and prayers.”

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