Travel questions

Why are our holiday flights cheaper from London?

Simon Calder answers your questions on flight prices, delays, travelling to Cuba and compensation

Saturday 16 March 2024 06:00 GMT
It’s almost half as cheap to fly to Kitzbuhel in Austria from Gatwick than Newcastle
It’s almost half as cheap to fly to Kitzbuhel in Austria from Gatwick than Newcastle (Getty)

Q We love Austria in summer, and Kitzbuhel in particular. This morning we found a one-week holiday at the Hotel Maria Theresia on 15 June from Newcastle. We were quoted £1,022 each. The same holiday from Gatwick was £695. How can travel companies justify such a difference?

Paul C

A I agree that Austria in summer is a joy. A week at a top hotel including flights from London Gatwick looks good value at £695. I agree, though, charging 47 per cent more for the privilege of flying from Newcastle rather than Sussex looks steep. Certainly, the extra distance (about 170 miles or 20 minutes’ flying) implies a certain increase in costs. Holiday companies may also point out that the costs of operating a small base are, per passenger, are significantly higher than that at a large airport such as Gatwick. But taken together these do not amount to anything like an extra £327 per person.

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