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Our next general election could be a race to the bottom

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Friday 05 January 2024 17:46 GMT
If all the parties put their case forward honestly and clearly, we, the electorate, will choose which party will govern us
If all the parties put their case forward honestly and clearly, we, the electorate, will choose which party will govern us (PA Wire)

I do hope that the coming election does not become the type of contest that takes place between infants on a school playground. “My dad could beat up your dad” and all that.

Sinking to the lowest denominator in an argument is usually only done by those losing the argument, and I believe the Tories have really no realistic arguments to explain their mismanagement of the country. Personal attacks on candidates, of any hue, have no place in canvassing for our votes in the next general election. The election is not a contest between individuals to race to the bottom, but an examination of the party’s competence to govern and their manifestos.

If all the parties put their case forward honestly and clearly, we, the electorate, will choose which party will govern us for the next five years. But using obfuscation to win an argument will give false hope to an already dejected electorate. MPs are held in near contempt, and this election is an ideal opportunity to demonstrate to the public that they can behave in a decent and honest fashion.

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