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Why I’m not voting at the next general election

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Monday 09 October 2023 20:27 BST
The only difference between the parties is their promise that they can carry out the same policies better
The only difference between the parties is their promise that they can carry out the same policies better (PA)

Having listened carefully to the claims and promises of both Sir Edward Davey and Sir Keir Starmer, it seems that the basic economic set-up of Britain will remain unaltered. The only difference between the parties is their promise that they can carry out the same policies better and for less money than their opposition can. Thus, it seems to me Britain is a one-party state split into three, conning the electorate into believing they have a choice.

The only choice we the people will have at the next general election is which party we think will carry out conservative, right-wing policies most efficiently.

As a result, I am not going to bother to vote in the next election.

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