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The Tories are showing their true colours over inheritance tax

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Tuesday 26 September 2023 09:31 BST
‘Inheritance tax does not tax dead people – it is a tax on unrealised capital gains’ (Gareth Fuller/PA)
‘Inheritance tax does not tax dead people – it is a tax on unrealised capital gains’ (Gareth Fuller/PA) (PA Archive)

Once again, the Conservative government has shown its true colours, bringing forward the near-perennial proposal to lessen or remove inheritance tax. Just imagine the collective savings for the beneficiaries of the PM and cabinet, let alone the Lords and wealthy Tory donors!

The untruths being peddled across all media have certainly outdone the usual nonsense being spouted. Firstly, inheritance tax does not tax dead people. It taxes the beneficiaries’ unearned windfall. Next, it is not taxing the same money twice; that is actually done by VAT. The other point to make is that, essentially, it is a tax on unrealised capital gains, mostly property over a long period of time.

The overwhelming majority of people in this country can only dream of passing on around £1m to their children and this government and the rich know it. Shameful and self-serving once again.

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