Album: Joby Talbot, Tide Harmonic (Signum Classics)

Andy Gill
Friday 01 July 2011 00:00 BST

The former Divine Comedian's latest project is an engrossing concept album about water, evoked in its various elemental states across a five-part suite bookended with a brief orchestral torrent supplanted by the resonant ringing of Tibetan temple bowls.

In the opening "Dew Point", these are augmented by harp, glockenspiel, vibes, piano and celeste, with strings seeping through eventually. "Hadal Zone" plumbs deeper, darker depths, with vibes and glockenspiel drifting down the scale over a steady bass monotone drone; and "Algal Bloom" pitches eerie strings against minimalist piano repetitions, before "Confluence" draws the various tributaries together.

DOWNLOAD THIS: Dew Point; Hadal Zone; Algal Bloom; Storm Surge

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