Dave Chappelle criticises Louis CK accusers, says response might have been 'disproportionate'

'I know Louis is wrong [but] I’m held to a higher standard of accountability than these women'

Jack Shepherd
Wednesday 03 January 2018 10:50 GMT

During his latest Netflix comedy special, Dave Chappelle joked about the accusations against numerous Hollywood persons including fellow comedian Louis CK.

Released as two parts, Equanimity & The Bird Revelation, Chappelle made light of the women alleging CK masturbated in front of them.

“One lady said, ‘Louis CK masturbated in front of me, ruined my comedy dreams,’” Chappelle told the audience. “Word? Well, then I dare say, madame, you may have never had a dream. Come on man, that’s a brittle spirit. That is a brittle-ass spirit, that is too much, this grown-ass woman.”

After acknowledging he’s “not supposed to say that”, Chappelle continued: “One of these ladies was like, ‘Louis C.K. was masturbating while I was on the phone with him’.

“B***h, you don’t know how to hang up a phone? How the hell are you going to survive in show business if this is an actual obstacle to your dreams? I know Louis is wrong, I’m just saying, I’m held to a higher standard of accountability than these women are.”

Chappelle then questioned whether Dr. Martin Luther King seeing CK masturbate would have not deterred him from following a dream. The comedian added that the allegations against CK are the only accusations to have made him laugh

“When you think about it, he’s jerking off — he’s surprising people,” he added. “I picture all the comics in comedy reading it like, ‘Word!’ It’s terrible, I’m sorry ladies, you’re right.’

“At the same time, Jesus Christ, they took everything from Louis. It might be disproportionate, I can’t tell. This is where it’s hard to be [a] man.”

CK has previously issued a statement on the accusations, calling many of them ‘true’. The comics movie I Love You, Daddy was later pulled by its distributor.

In the comedy special, Chappelle also spoke about Donald Trump voters, saying: “You are poor. He's fighting for me.” Equanimity & The Bird Revelation is available on Netflix now.

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