Avengers: Endgame directors share best crowd reactions from opening night on one-year anniversary

‘I... am... Iron Man’ – crowd goes wild

Jacob Stolworthy
Thursday 30 April 2020 09:24 BST
Cinema reaction to Avengers: Endgame filmed by co-director

Anthony and Joe Russo – also known as the Russo brothers – have been sharing their favourite crowd reactions from one of the first Avengers: Endgame screenings in celebration of its one-year anniversary.

The superhero blockbuster, which is the highest-grossing film of all time, was released in April 2019.

People around the world rushed to see how the Infinity Saga would end, and most were not left disappointed by a film that, among other things, featured the death of Iron Man and the departure of Captain America.

The film had its fair share of huge moments, with comic book fans particularly loving the scenes that saw the “dusted” heroes make their big return, as well as Captain America wielding Thor’s hammer in the climactic battle sequence.

Naturally, excitement was in overdrive and the Russos, knowing the moments were on their way, sat at the back of an opening night screening in California and (naughtily) caught the moment on their video phones.

It’s not every day you hear people in a cinema collectively cheering, and the videos certainly hammer home that the film was a brilliant experience for many film-watchers.

"We eagerly await the day that we can all be back together in a theater, sharing these experiences once again," Anthony Russo wrote on Twitter.

Marvel Studios recently confirmed a touching Easter egg from the film that doubles up as a tribute to Tony Stark.

Next on the MCU agenda is Black Widow, which will now be released in November after being pushed back from May due to coronavirus.

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