Avengers: Infinity War directors warn fans to avoid social media before seeing film

The film has been screened in its entirety for the first time at its LA premiere

Clarisse Loughrey
Tuesday 24 April 2018 09:49 BST
Avengers: Infinity War: 'Thanos Snaps Fingers' - trailer

You're bound to already know this, but the directors of Avengers: Infinity War want to make sure it's heard: the internet is a minefield of spoilers so Marvel fans better steer clear.

Last night saw the first time the film was screened "in its entirety" as part of its Los Angeles premiere, and the duo - Anthony and Joe Russo - admitted they were a tad nervous about it all.

"If you truly want to avoid all spoilers until you see the film, we recommend you abstain from social media, and the internet in general, until you have an opportunity to get to the theatre,” the now-deleted message read (via the Radio Times), alongside the now-obligatory hashtag #ThanosDemandsYourSilence.

Now-deleted as the Russo brothers appear to have wiped clean their social media presences ahead of the film's release; leaving behind a blackened out profile picture, and one clip which declares, "Thanos is coming".

It's clear Marvel are trying to hype Infinity War as a kind of "point of no return" for the franchise, with Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige even stating the title for Avengers 4 is too much of a spoiler to reveal.

We'll have to see what exactly that entails when it all goes down - the film is released on 26 April.

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