Batman movie starring Ben Affleck will reportedly feature Red Hood and The Joker

The resurrected Robin will be 'working in the shadows to make people think he's Batman'

Jack Shepherd
Sunday 01 November 2015 13:42 GMT

There may have only been one film in DC’s Extended Universe so far - 2013’s Man of Steel - but that hasn't stopped Warner Bros. already announcing over 10 sequels and spin-offs in the franchise.

One of them is a Batman solo film, starring Ben Affleck reprising the role from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. While it is the only DC film yet to get a release date, plot points have reportedly already leaked online.

In a post by JoBlo - the film website who broke the now confirmed news The Hulk will star in Thor: Ragnarok - they claim the main villain in the upcoming film will be The Red Hood, AKA a resurrected Jason Todd, AKA Batman’s sidekick, Robin.

In the comics, Todd was killed by The Joker in 1988's A Death In The Family storyline, before being resurrected and becoming an anti-hero crime boss.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice - Comic-Con Trailer

According to the source, the story will revolve around the resurrected Robin “working in the shadows to make people think he's Batman, while making Batman look like a criminal. At the same time he leaves clues about his identity for Bruce/Batman to ultimately solve.”

Jared Leto’s Joker will also act as a primary villain alongside Red Hood.

The report goes on to say that original Robin, Dick Grayson will have become the hero Nightwing already, and will be referenced in Batman v Superman.

In conjunction with the Batman v Superman trailer, this makes a lot of sense. In the trailer, we see Affleck’s Batman staring up at a disheveled Robin suit with “Haha, jokes on you Batman” spray painted onto it.

One fan theory thought that the Joker was actually Robin gone mad. However, with this new information it would seem Robin had been killed by Joker, leaving only his suit for the Dark Knight to find.

Robin's suit in the Batman v Superman trailer (Warner Bros.)

There’s also a clip of Bruce Wayne holding a newspaper clipping that has “You let your family die” scribbled on it. This could be a direct reference to the A Death In The Family storyline which the film will allegedly draw influence from.

Henry Cavill, Jesse Eisenberg and Amy Adams also star in Batman v Superman, which reaches cinemas on 25 March 2016.

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