The Batman: Ben Affleck addresses rumours he's leaving the DCEU

After he stepped down from directing The Batman solo film, rumours began to swirl that he was aching to quit the game

Clarisse Loughrey
Monday 24 July 2017 10:44 BST
Justice League - Trailer

Move over, Daniel Craig. You have a new contender in the 'I really can't decide whether to stick around in this role' stakes.

Ben Affleck has become strangely evasive over his future as the DCEU's Batman after unconfirmed reports started circulating that he'd be stepping down from the role in the near future.

There's been something of a snowballing effect with rumours over the past few months, growing out of the shadows of Batman vs Superman's critical lashing, and reaching a new peak when Affleck stepped down as director of The Batman solo film.

War for the Planet of the Apes' Matt Reeves has since stepped in, essentially throwing Affleck's script out of the window and starting again. But what of Affleck himself?

"Batman is the coolest f*cking part in any universe. DC, Marvel..." he told fans in Hall H. "I'm so thrilled to do it. I know there's this misconception that because I'm not directing it, maybe I wasn't enthusiastic about it. It's f*cking amazing... I would be a f*cking ape on the ground for Matt Reeves."

Ready Player One - Trailer

However, off stage, his stance seemed less sure. "My status remains what it always is," he told Entertainment Weekly. "I’ve done the two movies. I’ve always intended on doing a third if Warners wants to make it. Certainly, if the Batphone rings, I will answer."

A more evasive approach which doesn't seem to even confirm his appearance in The Batman, and certainly doesn't hint that Affleck has any intention on further instalments down the line.

For now, at least, we have Affleck's role in Justice League, hitting UK cinemas 17 November.

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