Captain Marvel: Three women filmmakers in the running to direct

The Brie Larson-starring superhero film will be released March 2019

Jacob Stolworthy
Friday 26 August 2016 08:51 BST

With reigning Best Actress Oscar champ Brie Larson in place to lead Captain Marvel, the upcoming film is in need of a director.

Intent on the project being female-led, Marvel is looking to sign up a women director to oversee production; according to The Hollywood Reporter, the three shortlisted filmmakers have been revealed.

Niki Caro - a name originally bandied around alongside The Babadook director Jennifer Kent - is first in line. The eclectic New Zealander is perhaps best known for the family film Whale Rider as well rape drama North Country and sports film MacFarland USA.

Lesli Linka Glatter is a name that will be noticed by fans of TV series Homeland. Having executive produced the show since 2013, she will serve as the lead director of the drama's upcoming sixth season. A veteran in her field, Glatter has also worked on Twin Peaks, The West Wing, Mad Men and True Blood.

The third person on the current shortlist is Lorene Scafaria who started out as a screenwriter before shifting to the director's chair; after penning Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist (2008), she went on to write and direct Seeking a Friend for the End of the World (2012). She stars in her most recent film, The Meddler, alongside Susan Sarandon.

Considering the film has a release date of March 2019, sources claim the studio is in no rush to employ someone - something Marvel had no comment on.

Captain Marvel will follow Brie Larson's Air Force pilot Carol Danvers who acquires powers after having her DNA fused with an alien life form.

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