Deadpool director confirms Ryan Reynolds' character will be first pansexual superhero

Deadpool first appeared in Marvel's comic books in 1991

Jack Shepherd
Sunday 08 November 2015 10:22 GMT
Deadpool in the Red Band trailer
Deadpool in the Red Band trailer (Fox)

Deadpool - the highly anticipated, Ryan Reynolds starring film – was already slated to be very different to the current trend of child focussed superhero flicks.

According to director Tim Miller, the character’s sexuality won’t be changed from that in the comics with Deadpool continuing to be pansexual, marking the first time a pansexual superhero will lead a blockbuster Hollywood film.

In an interview will Collider, Milller said when asked about the red-ninja’s sexuality: “Pansexual! I want that quoted. Pansexual Deadpool.”

Reynolds added: “There is some sexuality in this movie for sure. You kinda think you have moments when you’re shooting where you think, “This is, uh, a little excessive. This is a comic book movie. Are we gonna get away with this?” But so far so good.”

Deadpool - Trailer

Deadpool first appeared in Marvel's comic books in 1991 and has since become a fan favourite for his wise-cracking, fourth-wall breaking jokes and iconic suit. Reynolds first starred as the hero in 2009's X-Men Origins: Wolverine, yet that incarnation of the character will be different to the one in the upcoming solo-film.

In a recent interview, make-up designer Bill Corso revealed the film won’t use excessive amounts of gore: "Ironically there's not as much as there could be, it's all portrayed pretty realistically.

"Deadpool does some really graphic stuff to people, but it's all quick and doesn't linger on it.”

There will also be multiple cameos, with Stan Lee confirmed to be in the film having not featured in Fantastic Four.

Deadpool reaches UK cinemas 4 February 2016 while the US will have to wait until 12 February.

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