Dwayne Johnson says interview where he complained about 'snowflake generation' was '100 per cent fabricated'

'The interview never took place. Never happened. Never said any of those words.' 

Clarisse Loughrey
Saturday 12 January 2019 09:34 GMT
The Rock clarifies that he never said the 'generation snowflake' comments and claims Daily Star interview is fake

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has said that an interview published by the Daily Star, in which he lambasted the “snowflake generation”, never took place.

The purported interview with the star saw him claim “generation snowflake, or whatever you want to call them, are actually putting as backwards”, adding: “So many good people fought for freedom and equality – but this generation are looking for a reason to be offended. If you are not agreeing with them then they are offended – and that is not what so many great men and women fought for.”

“I don’t have to agree with what somebody thinks, who they vote for, what they voted for, what they think, but I will back their right to say or believe it. That’s democracy,” the star is also claimed to have said.

However, the actor took to Instagram to set the record straight. He said in a video: “Earlier today, online, an interview dropped with me — apparently was with me, where I was insulting and criticising millennials.”

“The interview never took place. Never happened. Never said any of those words. Completely untrue. One hundred per cent fabricated.”

“I was quite baffled when I woke up this morning,” Johnson continued. “I’ve gained such a great trust and equity with all you guys, all around the world over the years, and you know it’s not a real [Dwayne Johnson] interview if I’m ever insulting a group, a generation or anyone because that’s not me. That’s not who I am and that’s not what we do.”

In a caption attached to the post, Johnson added: “If I ever had an issue with someone, a group, community or a generation — I’d seek them out, create dialogue and do my best to understand them. Criticising ain’t my style.”

A representative for the Daily Star has been contacted for comment.

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