Rogue One: A Star Wars Story: Felicity Jones and Kathleen Kennedy play down reshoots: 'It was always planned'

'You wouldn't just give your first draft in'

Jack Shepherd
Wednesday 12 October 2016 16:19 BST
Felicity Jones stars in ‘Rogue One: A Star Wars Story’
Felicity Jones stars in ‘Rogue One: A Star Wars Story’ (Lucasfilm)

Following the initial Rogue One: A Star Wars Story trailer hitting the internet, excitement for the spin-off hit fever pitch thanks to it’s darker tone and war film-like feel.

However, questions arose after reports of elongated reshoots were announced, with multiple previously unscheduled writers and directors linked to the film.

Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter, LucasFilm president Kathleen Kennedy and actor Felicity Jones spoke about the reshoots.

Kennedy began by saying every major blockbuster goes through numerous reshoots, the only reason these were picked up on in particular was “because it's Star Wars, and they put a spotlight and scrutinise every single thing that gets done. But it was always planned and nothing unusual."

Jones also played down the reshoots but admitted they thought the original cut wasn’t to Disney’s usually high standard.

"Obviously when you come to the edit, you see the film come together and you think, 'Actually, we could do this better, and this would make more sense if we did this,'" she told the publication. "I've done it so many times. I mean, you wouldn't just give your first draft on this story, would you?”

Recently, numerous new characters from the film have been revealed, including Moroff, Rebel Commando Pao, and Scarif Stormtroopers.

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