Star Wars The Force Awakens: JJ Abrams promises lightsaber duels will be 'primitive and rougher' and less flashy

'They felt more powerful because they were not quite as slick'

Christopher Hooton
Monday 30 November 2015 12:39 GMT

You know what, J.J. Abrams actually seems to get what Star Wars fans want.

First he made the decision to use less CGI and more practical effects in the sequel, and now he’s offered some very promising words with regards to the film’s action sequences (from Empire):

“When you look at Star Wars and Empire, they are very different lightsaber battles, but for me they felt more powerful because they were not quite as slick. I was hoping to go for something much more primitive, aggressive and rougher, a throwback to the kind of heart-stopping lightsaber fights I remembered being so enthralled by as a kid.”


This suggests the film will be going less down the multi lightsaber-wielding General Grievous (above) or back-flipping Darth Maul route, instead trying to capture that wonderful atmosphere that comes with two lightsabers slowly wavering in the dark - more of a ballet than a martial arts-fest.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Trailer

Abrams’ comments might make up for that new crossguard lightsaber Kylo Ren’s been seen wielding in the trailers, which has proven controversial with fans given it would seemingly only be useful for slicing your own fingers off.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens opens in UK cinemas on 17 December and US cinemas on 18 December.

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